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Thiamine hydrochloride
  分子式:C12H18Cl2N4OS; C12H17ClN4OS·HCl
  别    名:盐酸硫胺,维生素B1,硫胺盐酸盐,盐酸硫胺素,维生素B1盐酸盐,尼克酸
  别名英文名:Aneurine hydrochloride;Vitamin B1 hydrochloride

产品名称 规格级别 单位 包装 品牌
盐酸噻胺 CP 5g

性状  白色细小结晶或结晶性粉末。微有噻唑气味。味苦。对光敏感。暴露于空气中易吸湿,干燥品在空气中迅速吸收4%的水分。溶解度:1 g/mL水,1 g/18 mL甘油, 1 g/100 mL 95% 乙醇,1 g/315 mL 无水乙醇,溶于丙二醇,实际上不溶于醚、苯、己烷和氯仿。
熔点:250 °C
项目Item                                    分析纯
含量(C12H18Cl2N4OS)Assay,%                  ≥99.0   
灼烧残渣(以硫酸盐计)Ignition residue,%      ≤0.1       
干燥失重Drying loss,%                       ≤2
氯化氢限量试验Hydrogen chloride               合格
硫酸盐(SO4)Sulfate,%                        ≤0.02


品级Grade                               细胞和昆虫培养级 
                       (suitable for cell culture, suitable for insect cell )
外观Appearance                          White Powder
红外光谱鉴别Infrared spectrometry       Conforms to Structure
纯度Purity                              ≥99.0% (GC) 
水溶解试验solubility in water           clear colorless ,50 mg/ml in water 
水分water by karl fischer               ≤ 7.0%
碳carbon                                42.1-43.4%
氮nitrogen                              16.1-17.1%
细胞培养测试Cell culture test            pass
昆虫细胞培养测试Insect cell culture test  pass


品级Grade                               植物细胞培养级 
                                  (for plant cell culture)
外观Appearance                          White Powder
红外光谱鉴别Infrared spectrometry       Conforms to Structure
纯度Purity                              ≥99.0% (GC) 
水溶解试验solubility in water           clear colorless ,50 mg/ml in water 
水分water by karl fischer               ≤ 7.0%
碳carbon                                42.1-43.4%
氮nitrogen                              16.1-17.1%
植物细胞培养测试for plant cell culture test pass

贮存  极易吸潮,对光敏感,密封避光保存。
用途  医药、生化研究。荧光和磷光光度分析磷。荧光测定汞。
Safety :  S22- S24/25-

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